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waveform graph on front panel - how to display digital display

rookie question.

i have a front panel waveform graph.  I want to display the digital value of the x axis.   I can see how to do the y axis but not the x axis.




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

It might just be late, but  that makes no sense to me.   Are you wanting the binary equivalent of the X axis labels?  Right click on the graph>>x scale>>formatting and select binary.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

thanks for the answer but no.

i have a wave form graph the is preset to 4 minutes long.  left side axis shows 0, and right side axis show 240 seconds.  When running, the plot travels alont the graph for the 4 minutes till it ends.


i am looking for a digital display counter of where the plot is along the chart.  In otherwords, it would count off 0-240 until the plot reaches the end.


I had one on an old Lv7, but when loaded in 2013 it won"t count.. I did the old one with an active-x propertiy ActXScale and wired an "X.Scale.Range:Increment" to it but under 2013, it doesn't count.


i thinking their has got to be a simple way to display a digital dispay of the current location of the X axis.




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Divide the lengh of the array you're passing to the waveform graph by the sample rate of your signal.


X.Scale.Range:Increment is the increment between tick marks on the scale and as such is a fxed number.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7



This reply makes somewhat less sense than the first post.


1. What does Active-X have to do with a waveform graph? Do you mean a Property Node?

2. Graphs plot the entire array at once. Are you sure you have a graph and not a chart?

3. The property: Active X Scale tells you which scale of a graph or chart is active but has nothing to do with Windows Active-X technology. If you have only one scale, this propery is irrelevant.

4. The property: X Scale.Range:Increment specifies the interval between tick marks on the scale. This has nothing to do with the position of the current plot location.


The only thing I can think of which might be what you want is to use a chart.

1. Set Chart history length to the size which represents your 240 seconds of data.

2. Clear the chart before each run.

3. Read the length of the Chart History array after each point is plotted.

4. Scale the history length as necessary and display the scaled length as the position.


The attached VI shows what I describe in LV2103. If this is not what you want, please post your VIs.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Thanks all.

A little pre-face. I'm a "hack".  I own the developer suite and do my own programs that i use in my business.  i do a about a program a year and i have quite a learning curve.

My solution:

I have my waveform graph in a "for loop".   I just realized that if i wire a indicator to the loop count it is exaclty what i need.


I really appreciate the feedback.




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7



The Forum is a place where you can come to get help.  Please fell free to ask for help when you run into snags.


If you have not done so, spend a few hours on the free on-line tutorials before you start your next program. The time you spend on the tutorials will probably be less than the time you save by knowing a little more about how to use LV effectively. 



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Message 7 of 7