10-14-2009 01:38 PM
Hi everyone.
I just met this issue again. Previously I solved this issue by registering the mscomctl.ocx, nicont.dll, nicontdt.dll in version 7.1. Now we are using 8.5.2, and the problem came up again.
I've tried the following:
1. use the latest nicont.dll,nicontdt.dll on the installed computer. http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/4B0C1BBDA9CFEBE7862573D0005D93C4
2. tried to repair the run-time engine.
knowledge base http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/5F06D38D61D883498625734800620168?OpenDocument
How do we enforce to repair the run-time engine of 8.5.2?
Thanks for any input.
10-15-2009 11:43 AM
The instructions on the knowledgebase are correct. You need to open Add/Remove Programs and then select the entry for National Instruments Software and click change or modify (whichever option is present for you). You can then follow the knowledgebase and select your run-time version.