06-13-2015 05:56 PM
intento crear un servidor web q se vea desde internet fuera de la red, para esto descargue webpager, pero al momento de intalar este toll me muestra un error el cual adjunto acontinuacion.
quisiera saber como creo un servidor de modo que pueda ver mi panle desde cualquier sitio en internet y no solo en la red, ya he utilizado las recomendaciones q hacen en foro anretiores pero no he obtenido resultados
grcacias por su atencion
06-13-2015 07:17 PM
07-31-2015 11:53 AM
Hi, probably you installed the WebPager one time, it was added to Windows startup sequence. When you started the computer, wp.exe was launched and when you ran VIPM again, it tried to install WebPager. wp.exe was running, so Windows refused to replace this file while it's running and produced error. So, in the current situation first make sure that wp.exe is not running (go to the system tray, right-click on WebPager icon, choose "Stop WebPager" OR open Windows Task Manager and kill wp.exe processes). And then install OGP package via VIPM.
If you have any questions, please drop me an email to igor.ev.titov<at>gmail.