03-26-2009 06:20 PM
I want to start a LabVIEW-exe as autostart after power-on of a windows-PC.
This exe should run in background. An icon should be displayed in the right info part of the task bar.
Clicking this icon should open the frontpanel of the running LV-program.
How can I force windows to do this?
Thank you
03-26-2009 08:00 PM
http://vlaurie.com/computers2/Articles/msconfig.htm will tell you how to start a windows program automatically.
You might be able to setup the properties so it is minimized this way -- otherwise, you can also do it by setting File--> VI Properties --> Windows Run-Time Position ... set Position to minimized for the main VI.
03-27-2009 02:01 AM
Hi Theo1,
this link should help http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=266283#M266283
03-27-2009 08:07 AM
Hey Theo,
a autostart exe is not a problem because its only nessecary to copy the exe in the autostart folder of windows.
And for the windows toolbar you are able to use this link : http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/E277CBA8C9065C1A86256D250021D9FA?OpenDocument
Kind regards,
03-27-2009 09:24 AM
Elmar NI wrote:Hey Theo,
a autostart exe is not a problem because its only nessecary to copy the exe in the autostart folder of windows.
Is it not better to just create a shortcut in the autostart folder pointing to the exe file
03-27-2009 09:30 AM
Its also possible...
Many roads lead to Rome.
03-27-2009 09:19 PM
Actually, it's "All roads lead to Rome"
The benefits of a classical education (semi-obscure movie quote).
03-31-2009 10:20 AM
Tank's for your help all.
Short explanaition what I look for:
Start LabVIEW-exe in background and displayed as icon in systray (not minimized)
Now the situatuion:
MattBradley: I tried to start via mscofig (regedit) by setting the exe-path
Result: The LabVIEW-exe starts, but in the normal way with minimized (open) panel - not in background and icon in the systray.
It found a solution via .net. It is not tested well.
.NET constructor node: System.Windows.Forms( -> MenuItem and
System.Windows.Forms( -> NotifyIcon