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working with large .wav files labview

I am trying to work with a ~7 hour .wav file in Labview.  This file plays in QuickTime, but cannot be read by Labview.  When run through the sound example, the program crashes.  Any advice for breaking it up into smaller, readable pieces?

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You should be able to read blocks of the wave file directly in LabVIEW with Sound File, using an appropriate number of samples and rolling sample offset. The waveform chunks can then be fed to the sound output VIs for playback.


There will be a bit of juggling between reading the wave file, feeding the waveform to the playback VI, reading the next chunk while the playback is occurring, and waiting for the playback to finish before sending the next bit of the waveform. Sounds like a good producer/consumer candidate...


You could also break up the wave file into smaller files using an external program such as Audacity (assuming it doesn't choke on a 7h file).

Certified LabVIEW Architect
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