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write a binary file per day // show the samples only 1 in 1 minute

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Accepted by topic author EduU

Hi Edu,


If whatever you are reading is generating the "1" or "0", then you can use the Digital Input.

Is it a TTL level (5V) that you are reading?  The DAQ should be configured for that. 


It is also possible to use the Analog Input also, where you would read the voltage level and the threshold (for 1 & 0) would be set within the software.


It's probably better with the Digital In.




PS:  I may not be able to look at your code until Saturday.

Message Edited by Ray.R on 10-01-2009 05:31 PM
0 Kudos
Message 41 of 59

Well Ray.R,


I have to use Digital I/O because I'm already using the 8 Analog I/O

6 to measure voltage and 2 to measure temperature

so I will use the Digital input.. I only have to know why I can do that...

I will study it at work today and will give a try

To simulate a signal 0 or 1 I will put a key on/off only to test if it works

Then I will switch and will see what will happen!


When I arrived at my work, I post more things thanks 😉

0 Kudos
Message 42 of 59

In the meantime, here are some paces where you can find more information about the Digital IO and DAQmx.


Look for some examples: Help (menu)->find examples->Hardware Input and Output->Digital Generation.


I just looked for a sample example within LV2009, but they no longer have the Digital IO examples...  😞  

Look in LV8.6 if they still have some.  Maybe this installation did not have all of them, it is a trial version that I downloaded.


If you can't find any, I can search in older versions of LV.


You can also look at some online articles that might help you with your project at the following links:

Getting Started with NI-DAQmx: Using the DAQ Assistant


Learn 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx and Handle 80 Percent of Your Data Acquisition Applications.




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Message 43 of 59

You might also find this thread useful

0 Kudos
Message 44 of 59

Yes is a TTL that I'm reading!

I talked with my boss today, and he give me some tips on that

I will try now make a simple example here to see if it will work!


I will put a resistor of 2,2KoHm and a key "on/off"


5Vcc - Terminal 31

a resistor 2,2k oHm

between the resistor and the key a wire to terminal 17 P0.0

a key On/Off

a wire to GND - Terminal 32


So I will switch the Key On/Off and see if the values goes True and False!


Is this correct? 

Thanks Ray.R


0 Kudos
Message 45 of 59
Sounds like a good plan 🙂
0 Kudos
Message 46 of 59

Well I did it and works perfectly!

Now I'm waiting my boss, because he will tell me what the next thing to do


Thank you for all the help you give me Ray.R

If I have any other question, I will use this post!


And if you can take a look at my code and maybe fix somethings

or give me some tips to improve it more and more, I would be pleasure.


I voted on you, to the solution of my problem! You helped me so much!



Message Edited by EduU on 10-02-2009 12:16 PM
0 Kudos
Message 47 of 59

Hey Ray.R


I have a question, I was sending to another program the data from what I was measuring

It was 3 voltages and 3 currents, but now I want to send the others things

I have 2 graphs that I want to show in the other program via tcp/ip

and have 2 boolean variables... how can I send all these informations??


i will upload a screen shot of how I sent the 3 voltages and 3 currents

I don't know if i only have to put more input at the  build array

or if i have to send it from another way!


I don't know if you have the program yet, so I will upload it again for you 

version 8.5 at LabVIEW


problem to send the data.JPG


The red circles is what I want to send too!


Give me some feedback!



0 Kudos
Message 48 of 59
What is the program at the other end of the Ethernet connection?  Is it also LabVIEW?
Message Edited by Ray.R on 10-08-2009 05:59 PM
0 Kudos
Message 49 of 59

yeah is a program made with LABVIEW for me


I tryed use a bundle cluster...

But I'm receiving an error at my


Error 116 occurred at Unflatten From String in teste 4 -


Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW:  Unflatten or byte stream read operation failed due to corrupt, unexpected, or truncated data.


I will upload the client vi...

So maybe you can take a look 

and tell me where i'm commiting a mistake


here are the 2 screen shots from my server and client too:








Thanks for any help Ray.R!


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Message 50 of 59