03-10-2014 05:06 AM
I am new to labview and wt3000.
I am trying to get some reading from wt3000 using labview via LAN. I can connect to wt3000. I can see the instrument connected in the MAX. But when i run the vi i get -1073807339 error randomly at the visa read.vi (first vi) and at the read vi in the read preset numeric normal. why is it so? Do i need tmctl files to communicate to wt3000?
03-17-2014 05:20 AM
Hello Kurian,
It looks like your device is not connected on the computer.
Are you sure that you see the device in MAX? Most of the devices connected via LAN that are not from NI on't appear in MAX.
Could you maybe send a screenshot of your MAX?
03-17-2014 05:31 AM
Hello Marc,
Yes i see the device connected in MAX. The problem is now solved. I was using the driver from NI. it does not work with LAN. The driver from yokogawa works with LAN.
Thank you!
03-18-2014 06:11 AM
I am trying to get readings from wt3000 via LAN.
I can get just get 1 reading at a time with the instruction :NUM:VALUE 31? (item 31, preset 2) or the whole set with :NUM:NUM 36;VAL? (values from item 1 to 36). Is there way to get just item 31 to 36?