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xcontrol including enum and ring control

I have to create a control that uses enums and ring controls (see images joined) and establish a link between the two lists.

xcontrol seems to be the best solution but is very complicated do use, I wander if someone can help me...



my requirements:

-the content of the enum must be variable and is loaded at the initialisation from external input (I know to do it but not in a Xcontrol)

-the content of the ring control be variable and is loaded at the initialisation from external input (I know to do it but not in a Xcontrol)

-each value in the list of enum must be linked to a value in the list of the ring control (I think to know to do it) and must update its selected value in the ring


my questions:

-where can I initialize my lists for the first time? I ve tried to put my 2 controls in the typedef "state1.ctl" but the property node in the VI "init;vi" don't seeem to work

-create a general property node? how?

Pierre FCentum TNS, Grenoble
Certified LabVIEW Associated Developer
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

The strings in an enum can only be changed during editing, not at runtime.

Since xcontrol code is running whenever there is an instance of the xcontrol in memory, the enum strings cannot be set by any code in the xcontrol.

What is the purpose of the control you want to build?

"If you weren't supposed to push it, it wouldn't be a button."
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Message 2 of 6

my purpose is to display an interfacein which my two commands are included (red circles). the architecture is powered by user event on the button "envoyer" consequently, I cannot easily make the commands changing interactively one another


the enum "tout premier LDN" force a particular value in the ring control "type de compteur" and enable/disable selection


the first solution was eventualy a xcontrol composed of these two controls

the second solution would ba a parallel loop and lists updated by properties nodes

any idea?


Sans titre.png




Pierre FCentum TNS, Grenoble
Certified LabVIEW Associated Developer
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
You cannot change enum values on the fly. That is what ring controls are for -- you just need to use 2 of them.


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Message 4 of 6

And if I use 2 ring controls? let me reformulate my first post.


I have to create two ring controls (see images joined) and establish a link between the two lists.

xcontrol seems to be the best solution but is very complicated do use, I wander if someone can help me...



my requirements:

-the content of the 1st ring must be variable and is loaded at the initialisation from external input (I know to do it but not in a Xcontrol)

-the content of the 2nd ring control be variable and is loaded at the initialisation from external input (I know to do it but not in a Xcontrol)

-each value in the list of 1st ring must be linked to a value in the list of the 2nd ring control (I think to know to do it) and must update its selected value in the ring


my questions:

-where can I initialize my lists for the first time? I ve tried to put my 2 controls in the typedef "state1.ctl" but the property node in the VI "init;vi" don't seeem to work

-create a general property node? how?

Pierre FCentum TNS, Grenoble
Certified LabVIEW Associated Developer
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Unless the display of this configuration options MUST be part of a bigger panel i would simply create a popup dialog with that UI. I wouldn't bother with XControls in that situation.


That being said, the XControl CAN provide what you want to have but still you have to consider the XControl as a complete separate panel development-wise.....

You can use the Init ability to update and sync the XControl to available default settings. I recommend to read that from a file and store the complete data set in your XControl. As you obviously have a general idea how to create the link between the rings, that part should be quite self-explanary to you....



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Message 6 of 6