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xl sheet table column and row header

Please, please do not post a picture of part of a block diagram of your VI.  We can't "slide" the scrollbar to see other parts of the code, we can't see the other cases of the Case statements, we can't execute your code to find out how it is behaving.


Post code.  The easiest way to do this is to attach the VI itself to the Post.  Another way is to use a VI Snippet, if your version of LabVIEW is recent enough (look for Snippet in LabVIEW Help -- if you don't find it, your LabVIEW version is before Snippets were introduced).


You obviously only included part of your code in the previous post, and we can't test it.  I would suggest that you create a Zip file with the following items:  (a) your VI, (b) sample data (with or without headers) that you want to read and save in Excel, and (c) a sample Excel Workbook showing the Excel file you want to create.  Reply and attach this Zip file for us.


We would then run your VI using your Sample Data, see what Excel does produce, then concentrate on "what is missing" (which, I presume, includes the Excel headers). 


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 32

ya here i attached my progrem and my sample XL file.some thing like time image(jpeg).now i am manually add time image in Xl .

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0 Kudos
Message 12 of 32

Thanks.  I realize you are probably "locked in" to LabVIEW 8.2.  Here is how to do some of what you want in LabVIEW 2014:

Excel Example.png

This creates Demo.xlsx with the contents of View Table, with Row and Column headers.  It then sets the width of all of the columns to 1.5 inches, and goes back to widen Column A to 3 inches before saving and closing the Excel file.


The created Excel file has been attached.  Note that there is nothing in the body of the file, largely because the View Table has no data, just row and column headers.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 32

how can i use this becase i have only labview8.2.that y i am using activeX properity methode and allso i don't have repoort generation toolkit.  

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 32
You can't use it unless you upgrade. If you can't upgrade, just ignore the post.
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 32

which one can i upgrade Lv8.2?.it is not possible any other way i can i do this(activeX).

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 32
Yes, if you find the correct properties and methods in the Excel help, you can use ActiveX.
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 32

now i find correct activeX property i solved font size,color,width but i don't able to add header(title) of screen in XL.



                    Data entry screen(Header of rhe screen)


            here i attached my code and Actual i get Xl file and i need Xl format file image.,



and so i can don't able to attach my all program rar format. 

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0 Kudos
Message 18 of 32

some mising files..

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Message 19 of 32

I'm curious what you mean by a Header, and where "Data Entry Screen" will appear in Excel.  I notice that the .xlsx File you attached has nothing that looks like this, and I don't recall seeing Excel with such a header (except, possibly, if you were to print from the Workbook).


Aha! (he says) -- I just tried to Print your .xlsx file, and right at the top of the page, it says "DATA ENTERY SCREEN" (note that ALL CAPS is harder to read than So-Called Proper Case, where only the first letter is capitalized, and the word "Entry" has only a single "e").  


So you, in fact, did figure out how to add the Header -- it just won't show up unless you Print the Excel file.  That's not a LabVIEW problem, but rather how Excel works.


Congratulations on mastering the intricacies of ActiveX.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 32