05-10-2016 02:58 PM
Hi, I'm struggling to find a way to graph xy data and am tired of looking for examples that aren't working. Hopefully somoene can help me out.
What I'm doing is polling a piece of equipment and collecting data. It comes out as a csv string. I filter the data and convert this into a 2d array with voltages in column 1 and current in column 2. I can graph voltage vs current in labview with no problems. Next I re-poll the tool and being the voltage values are the same, I manipulate the data and put the current values into the next available column. Ultimately I end up with an array of data such that I can easily graph it in programs like Excel or JMP. I thought that once I had the data in an excel/jmp usable format I could easily plot it, but it's not turning out that way.
What I want to do in labview is plot this x vs y data and after each time I poll the equipment is either add the new data to the graph or just regraph all the data. This may be iterated up to 20 times. Please help if you know how to do this. Thanks, Mike
05-10-2016 03:09 PM - edited 05-10-2016 03:10 PM
I think you are looking for something like this. If not, post an example.
05-10-2016 04:18 PM
Thank, that did work. I tried something similar a couple of time. The only thing I can think is either I had my append wired backwards or I was feeding it just the new Y column. Either way, Thanks a lot.
05-10-2016 06:05 PM
Also have a look at this idea.