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Find Dialog Should Persist Search Settings Without The User Having To Explicitly Perform A Search

Status: New

The Find dialog currently doesn't store its text search settings (e.g. Case sensitive, Whole word) if the User cancels the dialog.



The Find dialog only stores its text search settings if the user explicitly performs a file search. The disadvantage of this behaviour, is that the user has to reconfigure his search settings after cancelling the dialog. Users may sometimes open the Find dialog, configure some search settings and then (probably accidentally) cancel the dialog, but then open the dialog again to perform the actual search. This way the previous search settings are reset and lost.



I suggest that the search setting should be stored somehow in the CVI ADE, such that the search settings persist in the text editor, despite of the user cancelling the Find dialog.

I also think that this should apply for other text search dialogs (like, Find in Files, Replace, Replace in Files). This behaviour of a text search dialog is particularly accepted by other mainstream text editors and IDEs.



  1. Search settings are stored even if the user cancels the Find dialog.
  2. User doesn't have to explicitly invoke a find operation through the Find dialog, in order to have search settings (mainly the 'Case sensitive' setting) influence the Quick Search (Ctrl + Q) functionality. This is by far, the most helpful use case for this change. It's quite cumbersome to always have to performs a Find operation through a find dialog, in order to change the case sensitivity of the Quick Search feature, particularly because the find operation takes extra steps and causes distraction (displays the Find Results window).