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Make status bar behave like tool bar (i.e. single click response)

Status: Completed



in the IDE of CVI it is possible to have both a toolbar and a status bar. Now if a file has been changed and could be saved, the disk icon is undimmed in both the status bar and the tool bar. For the tool bar, a single click is sufficient to save, while the status bar requires a double click.


While this double click behavior is true for all status bar actions (lock, unlock...), personally I would find it less irritating if the staus bar also would react on single clicks instead of double clicks.


Thanks for consideration,



Active Participant

The selection mode and INS/OVR indicators on the status bar are one-click (at least in CVI 2010), so even considering just the status bar itself the current behavior is not consistant.

Trusted Enthusiast

You are right - I just checked lock / unlock which requires a double click: so I'll adjust my statement above to read:


Because the response of the status bar is not consistent requiring either single or double clicks, I would find it less irritating if all actions of the status bar would occur on single clicks.



NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Completed

We'll treat this suggestion as a bug instead (ID: 299688). As such, I'm closing this suggestion as "completed" pending the bug being fixed.

NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: In Beta
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Completed