A decade after the C99 release, some of C99's more usefuly features (full standard C library, C99 types, and variadic macros support, to name a few features) are sorely missed -- and in the meanwhile, the C standard has been revised to C11 (which shouldn't hold back any efforts for full C99 support)... http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=57853
there is no support for complex numbers, and bool still has to be defined by oneself (instead via <stdbool.h>)... Also, support for unicode characters and double extended should be improved, e.g. see here, and the C11 features of multithreading (<threads.h>, <stdatomic.h>) and memory aligmnent (<stdalign.h>) might be interesting for some of us.
Wolfgang, thanks, but I know this all (I expect partial C11 support by some vendors by 2030). "m-a" however said "variadic macro" support was missing, which I think is there.
Marcel, wow, you are really optimistic... 2030... I hope that at least some of the suggestions of this idea exchange will be implemented in CVI a little bit earlier than this
You know how they say, a pessimist is an optimist with experience Seeing how spotty C99 support is with many C compilers even today I don't really have much hope for C11. But as hope dies last, I hope with you
I'd certainly appreciate if the next CVI release offered the union of C99 and C11 library support. It's a pity that even the mainstream C99 library support isn't there, after more than a decade.