07-07-2015 03:28 AM
Under the condition of not affecting the signal data, how to reduce the noise of the oscilloscope?
Thank you!
07-07-2015 03:33 AM
And how to use Windows/CVI to reduce the noise of the oscilloscope?
12-09-2016 01:13 PM
You cannot reduce the nouse of any measurement by software. That is inherently depends in the hardware and hardware configuration. What you probably meant is how to remove noise from signal you are revoding or processing.
You are in good hands. Labwindows is very capable in that department but you really have to know what you want and pick the method you really need.
The most general practice is filtering the signal and remove frequency components you do not want. Check the warioul low - high and bandoass filter functions in the advanced analysis library.
If you just want to smoothen the signal, check the warious windowing functions, or can design your own running averageing functions that calculates the value of your datapoint as an average of its neigbours.
So, understand you signal first. Learn what you want then try several methods in your mighty libraries at hand.