09-10-2003 02:02 PM
09-11-2003 05:37 PM
09-12-2003 08:29 AM
07-20-2005 02:58 AM
Hi !
I think I have this kind of problem, but for my problem, I think I need to disable the COM callback. Do you know if it's possible and how to do that ?
In my application, the PC sends data to an other entity on the serial port, the other one send back with an acknowledge the computer receive thanks to the com callback and then send again an other date and so on ! but after some minuts, the 2nd or more ack is not received. So I want to disable the comballback (I have tryied all thought but nothing works), and do a ComRd after my ComWrt ! It worked before i need to insall a comcallback for other stuff !
Thanks a lot,
07-20-2005 08:22 AM
I've found the solution. Or more exactly, Pierre helps me on CVI Rebel Site Forum (french forum).
You just have to uninstall the callback by installing an other com callback with a null pointer : error = InstallComCallback(COMPORT, LWRS_TXEMPTY, 1, 0, 0, 0); !!!! and install the old one if you want to re use it !