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CVI Build Problems

Attached are the .mst files in the bin\p26\lv82rte directory (with the exception of the lv82runtime.msi, which is very large).  The same files are present in the C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\ProductCache\ directory. 

By the way, I am currently running LabVIEW 8.5 (not sure if that means anything or not).
0 Kudos
Message 31 of 42
If the p26\lv82rte directory contains the correct files (as it seems to), then I'm not sure why the installation error is being generated.  If you could post your full distribution to, I'll investigate it further on my side.

Mert A.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 32 of 42
I am unable to access  According to our IT group, if the ftp site tries to send something back, e.g., for ip address verification, it will be blocked by our firewall.
0 Kudos
Message 33 of 42
Yep, that's because I gave you the wrong url.  Try instead.  I'm sorry about that.

Mert A
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 34 of 42
The distribution has been uploaded as
0 Kudos
Message 35 of 42
Apparently the NI Circuit Design Suite 10.0.1 and NI Multisim 10.0.1 distributions included a LabVIEW RTE 8.2.1 with a different (8.2.378.1) version number than the one included with all other distributions (8.2.379.0).  Now, it's still a mystery (I'm looking into it) how the correct version (8.2.379.0) did not replace the other version, but that's the problem you're having.  This version discrepency is causing your dependency failures at install-time.

To fix this, run the attached msiBlast utility, find NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 8.2.1 in the list, then press the Uninstall button on the right.  Use of this utility is usually not recommended, but in this case, it will save you from having to uninstall lots of other software.  After uninstalling, choose one of your other distributions -- let's say disk 2 of the August Driver CD -- and directly run the LabVIEW 8.2.1 MSI installer (\Products\LabVIEW_Runtime_Engine_82\lv82rte\lv82runtime.msi).  Once again, directly running the .msi files is not normally recommended, but in this case, it is fine.

The above process should replace the 8.2.378.1 version with 8.2.379.0, and your distributions should install successfully.  Please let me know how this goes.

Mert A.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 36 of 42
OK, the distribution installs with no errors now.  Thanks for your assistance.  Merry Christmas!
0 Kudos
Message 37 of 42
Thanks for your patience and your role in helping us find this goof in the Multisim/Circuit Design distributions.  I'm glad you're back in good shape again.

Mert A.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 38 of 42
When I installed the application on the target machine, it would not run.  The following error message was generated "The procedure entry point ? compareVersion@NIMXDF_1_8@@YGXABVtVSSVersion@@OAAJPBD@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library nimxdfu.dll".  This dll is present in the WINNT\system32 directory and has a date of 9/28/2005.  The application did install and run correctly on the development PC and a laptop.
0 Kudos
Message 39 of 42
This error indicates that an older version of nimxdfu.dll is being loaded, though the application was linked against a newer version.

If your application is (indirectly) loading nimxdfu.dll, then it must be using an API for DAQmx, Modular Instruments (DMM, FGEN, HSDIO, Scope, etc), or Motion.  I reviewed the components included in the DougC distribution you posted, but I didn't find any of the aforementioned products.  If your application uses one of these, you must also include that component in your distribution, or else run the risk of that component being missing or of an incompatible version (as in this case) on the target machine.  CVI should be detecting your application's use of those APIs and including those components in your distribution by default.  Is it possible you manually deselected (in the Edit Installer dialog) one or more of those components?

Let me know if this explanation of the problem is consistent with your application.  If you are sure you are not calling any functions from one of the mentioned hardware APIs, we'll have to investigate further.  One test would be to create a new distribution for your project, make sure the project is compiled, then go into the Drivers/Component tab of the Edit Installer dialog and see what components are pre-selected.

Mert A.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 40 of 42