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CVI to LabVIEW Conversion Problem

I have converted instrument driver from CVI to LabVIEW. The problem that I am facing is that, after conversion, the arguments in some VI have changed to Boolean although they were of type 'int' in CVI.

Take a look at following example:
The function prototype for one function in CVI is

int CVIFUNC At71612a_patt_data_output_termination (int instrumentID, int terminationVolts);

But after conversion to LabVIEW, the VI has two inputs:
1. instrumentID of type 'int'
2. terminationVolts of type 'boolean'

Can experts on this forum help me understand why is this change of dataType from 'int' to 'boolean' and how can I get rid of this problem?

Appreciate your help.

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Message 1 of 3
This is a shot in the dark but I know LabView uses the fp file for the driver in the conversion. Did you check that the parameter type for this function is correct on the function panel. I also know that in building the driver in LabWindows it will not error if there is a mismatch between what the fp file says the function prototype is and the .h file.
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Message 2 of 3
I have checked the parameters in function panel as well and they match with ones defined in *.c file. Do you have any other suggestion for this problem?

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Message 3 of 3