12-27-2007 02:14 AM
12-27-2007 05:14 AM
DAQmxGetChanAttribute function permits you to obtain informations about a channel loaded into a task. This is particularly useful if you created the channel within MAX and want to retrieve some setting inside your program. Detailed informations can be found in the online help for the function, which also lists all possible attributes that can be retrieved via this function and characteristics of associated values (wether strings, integer, floats and so on...); I strongly reccommend that you look at it since it is very detailed and can help you a lot.
To use this function you must firstly create a task (DAQmxCreateTask) and next either create a channel within the task (DAQmxCreatexxxChannel) or associate a global channel to it (DAQmxAddGlobalChansToTask). After that you can retrieve informations about a particular channel of your choice.
I suggest you to look at the function panel for this function (click on the function and press Ctrl+P or use View >> Recall function panel menu item): on the function panel window, moving the cursor on a parameter field and pressing F1 or right-clicking on it will display appropriate help on the parameter itself.
01-07-2017 06:40 PM
I have the same problem. Doe anyone have a working example showing how to get value of DAQmx_AO_Resolution?