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DatabaseToolKit for CVI 1.03

ToolKit name: DatabaseToolKit for CVI
Version:1.03 release
author: Denny Ding
System:Win9X Win2000 WinME WinXP Win2003 Vista


Hello,Everybody.I have fixed bugs.If you have any questions,please contact me.Welcome to try it.

As a measurment software,most of CVI users need to communicate with database.For Labview,a free tool has been provided abroad.But until now,no free SQL tool for CVI can be found  .Under this condition,I am thinking to made a toolkit ,that is SQL For CVI. I think it will be much more convenientfor us with this toolkit.


The module for database access module can be used to support the C language programming environment tools.Software for Labwindows/CVI development environment to provide database functions,In other environment it may be have compatibility problems.Products can be used normally in VC.However, VC provides a powerful database access functions, the general is not recommended as the preferred.LabVIEW in the use of methods and concepts and software varies greatly from that is not recommended to use.


Users need the ability on the basis of the following:
C language knowledge, understanding C of data types and different parameters of the type of conversion, and will address the value of the transfer and using.
Users to your database of knowledge.
Use of standard SQL statements.


Software contains the following file:
DatabaseToolKit.FP           CVI Specific functions of the panel, to provide the most convenient function call.
DatabaseToolKit.H             Header file,In the C/C++ programming environment to provide custom functions and the type of statement.
DataBaseToolKit.LIB         The software-link library files,To provide implicit load function.
DataBaseToolKit.DLL        dynamic link library file,The core modules of this database.
DatabaseToolKitEN.CHM Guide of English.
Example Folder                     CVI sample code


V1.03 was released on Nov-29 2008
fixed calling  SQLDBDiscardConn,SQLDBFreeStateHandle will user proection when already free Handle.


V1.02 was released on Nov-4 2008
fixed a bug Ms SQL Server cann't using.

V1.0  was released on Oct-11-2008
Errors in help file was modified,reduce the file size
fixed Macro definition which define was duplicate
Using type abbreviation ULONG replaced unsigned long


V1.0 Beta4 was released on Oct-7-2008
Two database information functions was added
Two database attribute functions was added
Errors in help file was modified
Examples for txt files were added.


V1.0 Beta3 was released on Sep-29-2008
A DSN find function was added.
DLL version information was added.
One example on how to operate Excel was added.
Parameter of SQLDBConnectString was adjusted.


V1.0 Beta2 was released on Sep-20-2008.
Improved the Usability of functions.Changed the type of system handle type from void * to long .
Add Macros for values used in functions to avoid the digitals which hard to understand in functions.
The problem of disagreement of function type was modified.
Four config functions was added.
Two examples were added.


V1.0 Beta1 toolkit was released on Sep-10-2008.
Parameters of some functions were adjusted.
Database module of 27 functions was established on Aug-30-2008.

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