I am pulling, Voltage, Current, and Time data from a keithley 2400. I want to set the time data as the time attribute for the Voltage and Current data. The data is read from the insturment buffer as a 1D array. I then use a decimate array to seperate the data and a build array to combine the current and voltage data into a 2D array. Then I output that array to convert to varient data and then to set attribute. I use the time data array as the attribute value. When converting back to labview data I loose that time attribute. I preform a number of operations on the data using express VI's, ie FFT, and need the proper time data not the default interger step. Also it would be nice to adjust the names of the data so that they appear in the header. Any help would be great thanks.
PS sorry no net allowed in lab so I cant post the VI