07-07-2016 01:10 PM
I recently updated LabWindows/CVI. I thought it was just the license manager, but .NET and Visual C++ 2015 runtime files were also modified.
I rebuilt one of my programs, creating a distribution kit. Now when I try to run the installer on Windows XP I get the following error: "This installer requires Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or later".
My development computer is Win7 with LabWindows/CVI 2013 ver. 13.0.0 (647). My target is a WinXP machine.
What is the fix or workaround for this problem?
07-08-2016 12:47 AM
Just a guess (maybe better than nothing ): did you install the run-time of CVI2015? You can check the version of cvirte.dll to find out. This might explain your findings since CVI2015 does not support XP anymore
07-08-2016 01:34 AM
Your mentioning of .net and C++ runtimes makes me think: are you using them in your application? In this case, are you sure these releases can be installed on XP?
07-08-2016 08:33 AM
07-08-2016 08:55 AM
Wolfgang raised a good point in my opinion: some installation or update could have installed CVI2015 RTE: you can check which version is installed in Control Panel or in MAX or by issuing a GetCVIVersion () command within CVI.
In case a different runtime engine is installed that cannot be ported to XP, you should build your executable binding it to CVI2013 run-time and include it in the distribution: see this page for help
07-08-2016 09:43 AM
07-08-2016 09:54 AM
I am not sure this is a reliable way to search for the RTE version, in my opinion it is better to search for the file cvirte.dll, then select Properties / Details.
Alternatively, as Roberto suggested, use the GetCVIVersion () command within CVI.
07-08-2016 10:54 AM
The command GetCVIVersion returns 1300, and GetCVIVersionYear gives me 2013. The version of cvirte.dll in C:\Windows\System32 shows LabWindows/CVI 2013 for Product Name and for the Product Version. The one under \Windows\SysWOW64 says the same thing. I can't find anything related to CVI 2015.
I also tried creating a debug version, but had the same error message.
Either I wrote down the error message wrong, or it has changed. Now it says "installation" rather than "installer". Could be a goof on my part.
07-08-2016 02:48 PM
So it seems that my guess was wrong...Unfortunately I have no other idea...
07-08-2016 05:12 PM
Neither I have
I wonder if it's just the WIndows Installer that is targeted to WIn7. Even if it were true, I wouldn't know what to suggest you to avoid this problem. Let's see if some NI folk has any idea...