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Ethernet with e4438c %3F

Hello everybody,


I want to know iuf it's possible to command a Agilent e4438c ( Vector Signal Generator ) with labwindows through an Ethernet connection. I find drivers for GPIB connection on agilent website but it will be better with Ethernet.

So is it possible with Labwindows to pilot it in ethernet ?



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
Look at the datasocket examples.
Jattie van der Linde
Engineering Manager, Software & Automation
TEL Magnetic Solutions Ltd
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
If the Ethernet port can be used for programmatic control and the instrument is VXI-11/LXI compliant, you can just use the IVI driver as is. Have you tried or have you contacted Keysight?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Yes, the ethernet port is VXI-11/LXI compliant, i will look at the IVI dirver with more precision. It's a little difficult for a beginner because there is not a lot of example on internet. I will contact Keysight to try to find the best way to connect the e4438c.



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Message 4 of 6



I configured my system and it communicate well with other utilities like MAX.

But, when i try to run my labwindows program, with SICL language, it doesn't work, it seems to communicate but not to follow the other instruction.


Some command of my program :


char* instOpenString ="lan[];

INST id=iopen(instOpenString);
if (!id)
fprintf(stderr, "iopen failed (%s)\n", instOpenString);
return -1;
 iwrite (id , "*IDN?\n" , 6 , NULL , NULL );
 itimeout(id, 2000);
 iread ( id , buf , 200 , NULL , &actual );


I have no return reponse so i think the connection works well, but buf and actual never change, it's like if it didn't read anything.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
SICL? Really? Why post on a CVI forum? Go to Keysight or use CVI with the IVI driver and follow the examples that come with CVI.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6