04-02-2015 08:31 AM
Hello everybody,
I want to know iuf it's possible to command a Agilent e4438c ( Vector Signal Generator ) with labwindows through an Ethernet connection. I find drivers for GPIB connection on agilent website but it will be better with Ethernet.
So is it possible with Labwindows to pilot it in ethernet ?
04-05-2015 03:49 PM
04-06-2015 08:10 AM
04-07-2015 03:41 AM
Yes, the ethernet port is VXI-11/LXI compliant, i will look at the IVI dirver with more precision. It's a little difficult for a beginner because there is not a lot of example on internet. I will contact Keysight to try to find the best way to connect the e4438c.
04-14-2015 03:17 PM
I configured my system and it communicate well with other utilities like MAX.
But, when i try to run my labwindows program, with SICL language, it doesn't work, it seems to communicate but not to follow the other instruction.
Some command of my program :
char* instOpenString ="lan[];
I have no return reponse so i think the connection works well, but buf and actual never change, it's like if it didn't read anything.
04-14-2015 06:44 PM