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Generalized SVD

Hello NI-Community,


I am using LabWindows/CVI (I cannot check the version at the time I am writing this post.) for controling a DAQmx device. I would like to perform a generalized SVD with measured data. Unfortunately I cannot find this function in my libraries. Furthermore I could not find informations in the internet if an algorithm exits in a LabWindows version.


But I found the information that the generalized SVD exits as a VI in Labview. So is it really true that NI only provides an algorithm for Labview and not for LabWindows?


With kind regards,


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Message 1 of 3

Hi Marcel,


this really depends on the version of CVI you have... the base version comes without the Advanced Analysis Library which provides functions for SVD; however, this library is included only in the full version of CVI.

Depending oin the version of CVI the function is either called SVD or SVDEx (CVI 8 and later versions)

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Wolfgang,


thank you for your reply. My LabWindows/CVI version is 2012 with an Advanced Analysis Library. I have the functions SVD, SVDEx and the complex alternative CxSVD, but unfortunately the calculations behind these functions are the standard SVD. The generalized SVD (GSVD) is a decomposition of two matrices. The SVDEx cannot calculate this decomposition.


On the following pages, I found informations, but only for Labview:


It would be a bit depressing if only Labview have a GSVD because I always thought that there is also C-code behind a VI.


With kind regards,


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Message 3 of 3