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Help with MAX - Averaging display of voltage signal read from SCXI Module

I have a system using legacy Measurement and Automation Explorer to set up and run several SCXI modules. The module in question is in multiplexing mode, interfacing a PCI-MIO-16E-1 PC board. The MAX version is I have converter the "Traditional NI-DAQ Devices" to "NI_DAQmx Devices" Now I have a slightly confusing mess of module interfaces, chassis interfaces, PC board interfaces, Scalings and Global Channels. All I want to do is read the raw signal voltage at the SXCI module as a digital display, i.e. an averaged or continually updated number. All I can do is look at waveforms using the Test Panels, but I need a digital number for my calibration process. Is there a way to configure the display setting for the test panels? I would be willing to install the newest MAX software, but I fear that I would compromize my settings and interfaces, especially to the main .vi I am using in LabVIEW 7.0 Express. Any advice is appreciated. 

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Message 1 of 4

Hi Greg,


The analog input window on the Test Panel in MAX does show a digital value of the the current reading at the bottom right of the graph. If this is not sufficient enough, you could just create a task in MAX that is a simple Analog Input Voltage task, if you're looking for raw data, and view the data in there changing the view to "Table" instead of "Graph." This neither of these options actually give you any data logging capability. A third option is just to create a simple Analog Input VI that takes a finite amount of readings and does some sort of processing on the read data, like taking an average or whatever you're looking for.


As for installing a newer version of MAX, if you install a newer version on top of your older version, it should retain your configuration settings and pre-created tasks.


Chris W

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Message 2 of 4

Chris, Thank you for the response. Unfortunately, I am not seeing what you are describing in the MAX version I am using. There is a graph displaying the signal in the Test Panel for a given module channel. However, there is no digital/numerical display to be found. There is no option to add a digital display or change the graph to numerical either. Maybe we need to discuss more specifically with which device and channel I am using the test panel? I am looking into each module in the MAX tree, an selecting a specific module and channel within the test panel. This is the panel that has no digital display. However, If I go back up to the "Tradidtions NI-DAQ Devices" and do a test panel on my PCI-MIO-16E-1, I get both a graph and a digital display. However, I have no idea which channel in this test panel associates with the SCXI Module channels. The PCI card has about 7 channels, and there are more than 40 channels in different modules on teh SCXI. This PCI card is apparently demulitiplexing some *unknown* channel from some *unknown* module on the SCXI. How do I tell which channel the PCI card is demuxing? I can't see a way to set that.


I also can't see how to "make a new task" in MAX. Maybe you could briefly instruct me on this procedure if you think its the best option?


Thanks for any help,


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Message 3 of 4

Hi Greg,


I was referring to creating a new DAQmx task in MAX by right clicking on your device that you want to use and selecting "Create Task." Then go through the following steps to select exactly what channel on what module you are creating the task for. This should let you specifically select something like "SC2Mod1>>ai0." When you finish the setup it will bring up it's own task display that has an option to select either Chart display or Table display. 


If this doesn't work out for you I would download a newer Version of MAX.


But make sure to read the readme documentation to ensure that your device is supported with this version of NI-DAQ.


Chris W
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Message 4 of 4