I am using double buffered data acquisition to acquire 50 points/second (50 Hz) and display the points on a graph, which is to be updated continuously. What I am required to make the graph do is have the program run for 2 hours, and then offset the data on the y - axis to start another line after the 2 hours. So basically, it will plot the graph for 2 hours, and then start back at the beginning and begin to plot the next 2 hours underneath the first 2 hours of data while still keeping the former 2 hours displayed on the graph, so each line represent 2 hours of data. I will th
en display 12 lines of graphs, for a total of 1 day of information when all is said and done. However, I have not been able to find a away to do offset the data like this, or find any similar question on here. If anyone can provide information on how to do this, it would be much appreciated. I have posted the files I am using for this (the code is not completely done, but it is functional and does a basic form of what I wish to do.) I have confidence I will be able to set up if statements to check and see when 2 hours is up, but the offsetting of the data and starting back at the beginning with the next line is where I am having trouble. Thanks again.