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Installing cvi runtime engine 5.5 "quiet"

I created an installation of my application with the free tool innosetup ( For this purpose i wanna start the installation if the cvi runtime engine (Version 5.5.1) in a "quiet" way.

When i normally start the cvi runtime engine setup, the user sees the installation dialog (which he can cancel !!!).

Is is possible to execute the setup of the cvi runtime engine quiet in the background ? Is there a commandline option available for the setup ?

thanx for any help
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Message 1 of 4

Type the following line at the command prompt to silently install the CVI Run-Time Engine:
msiexec /i"CVI Runtime Engine.msi" /qb /l*v "C:\temp\install.log"

If you're not in the directory of the msi file, you need to specify the msi's full path. The /i switch means "install the following msi file"; use /x"CVI Runtime Engine.msi" to uninstall instead. /qb means "run in silent mode" and /l*v means "log the installer activity into this file"; the logging is entirely optional.

I hope this helps

Bilal Durrani
Bilal Durrani
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4
As noticed in my question, i want to install the CVI runtime version 5.5.1. This version is not available in the windows installer format (with the *.msi file).

The solution you provided will only work with the CVI runtime 6.0 or later.

The 5.5 runtime seems to be an installshield format.
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Message 3 of 4

Sorry about that, I missed that part, With installshield, it looks like you first have to create a response file (this is created by running the setup executable with -r as the argument), and then you can run the setup executable with -s as the argument, and any responses it needs it will read from that file.
Here is an online document that talks about this

The format of response files resembles that of an .ini file, but response files have .iss extensions. A response file is a plain text file consisting of sections containing data entries.

With -r as the argument, InstallShield will record all your installation choices in Setup.iss and place the file in the Windows folder.

er you have created the response file, you are ready to run the installation in silent mode using InstallShield Silent. When running an installation in silent mode, be aware that no messages are displayed. Instead, a log file named Setup.log captures installation information, including whether the installation was successful. You can review the log file and determine the result of the installation.

InstallShield also provides the -f1 and -f2 switches so you can specify the name and location of the response file and the location of the log file.

To verify if a silent installation succeeded, look at the ResultCode value in the [ResponseResult] section of Setup.log. InstallShield writes an appropriate return value after the ResultCode keyname.

I hope this help

Bilal Durrani
Bilal Durrani
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4