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Is there an easy way to switch the button text and messages on the user interface dynamically between languages, in this case English and Spanish, for equipment being installed in another country?

I understand Windows provides some facilities for internationalization, and I would like to do something similar, collecting message strings into a resource file that can be translated. Ideally, this could be switched dynamically or at least from a setup screen.
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Message 1 of 4
In LabWindows/CVI 5.5 and greater, there is a tool for localizing user interfaces from the Project windows under Tools->User Interface Localizer... This utility will load in any UIR file and let you specify language translation strings for all of the strings in the user interface. Once you create a language resource file. You can used LoadLocalizedPanel in the \toolslib\localui\localui.fp library to load a panel using the translation strings. See the help in the UI Localizer utility for more information. There is also an example program under \samples\apps\localui\intgraph.prj.

Best Regards,

Chris Matthews
National Instruments
Message 2 of 4
Great, This works for the example. But ...

Where do I find localui.fp?

And which header file goes with this stuff. I keep getting 'no prototype found' for the LoadLocalizedPanel() function.

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Message 3 of 4
All files related to localui.fp are located in toolslib\localui directory into the CVI standard directory.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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