12-26-2016 05:19 AM
I'm trying to call a dll that generated by CVI
CVI use LoadLibrary to call another dll compiled by C.
point = LoadLibrary("MXIO.dll");
While I call the dll in labview, always popup a window that show "point null " and labview break down.
If I use CVI call the dll, no error showed and running ok.
many thanks your help.
12-30-2016 03:32 AM
错误I/O操作在函数中仅执行一次,在错误输入节点后不会执行。 如动态DLL的路径不存在,可返回错误7。 如该函数调用的外部代码包含异常,可返回错误1097。
01-22-2017 07:24 AM
Could you provide a screenshot of the point null you are referring to and how LabVIEW breaks down?
Did you specify to export the symbols in LabWindows prior to creating the DLL?
Best regards,