03-16-2010 10:40 AM
03-18-2010 08:17 AM
Hi Norbert,
my understanding of your issue is that you want to control the visibility of a stand-alone LabVIEW application with an external programm.
Controlling FP visibility within LabVIEW is fairly easy. Use a property node with FP:Transparency and set it to 100 for invisibility an 0 for full visibility.
You can communincate from external programs with your LabVIEW stand-alone application by several means. TCP communication is probably easy to establish. You could also use ActiveX.
Regards, Topp
03-19-2010 03:40 AM
03-19-2010 10:05 AM
Hi Norbert,
please take a look at the following documents:
Launch CVI-created program minimized from within other CVI program:
How Can I Launch and Control Another Application in LabWindows/CVI?
BTW: Functions for controlling the window-behaviour will you find in the Win32-API.
I hope this will help you out.
With best reagards,
Ralf N.