01-29-2015 02:10 PM
01-29-2015 04:08 PM
Wow, there's so many questions embedded (get it?) in here.
So let me get this straight. You have a small form factor computer, running Windows? And LabWindows CVI runtime executable is installed on this?
This SBC has a USB port with a USB mouse connected to it?
Why / what do you need from CVI? You want to move the mouse cursor from CVI? Like with keyboard shortcuts?
The more I think about your project, the more I'm confused.
02-02-2015 11:13 AM
First of all, thanks for your interest!
So the LabWindows/CVI is running on the PXI Chassis via NI-8104.
The SBC that I would like to test, has a USB port that I would like to connect to a USB port on NI-8104.
In real system the SBC's USB port will be connected to a finger-touch LCD. The data that LCD will send to SBC follows USB mouse protocol.
CVI program that I am looking for needs to model a series of mouse clickings on certain locations on the LCD (behaving as someone is touching the LCD).
This will help creating an automated test for the SBC (in conjonction with the rest of the CVI project) without having someone to interact with the LCD during the test.
I hope this helps to further clear my intention.
Thansk again.
02-03-2015 06:09 PM
I don't know of any models that would be immediately available, but you should be able to use anything that was written in C. You could potentially even use code from other languages if you had DLLs you could access or if you create a controller for it.
I'm just spitting out ideas here, but would you be able to make a short macro to simulate the mouse action, and then execute that macro from your code?