04-17-2013 04:15 AM
Good morning.
I'm developing an application using LabWindows/CVI 2009 (Vs. 9.1.0 (428)) and I need to use the "Change Detection" interrupt to be warned as soon as possible of a variation of one or more digital lines on a port.
Using MAX, I have enabled the simulation of the following two boards:
Using the "NI Example Finder" tool, I found that both the boards can be used to run the "ReadDigChan" and the "ReadDigChan-ChangeDetectionEvent" examples. The "ReadDigChan" correctly works, i.e. I can see data on the example MMI (I can correctly see the LEDs enlightened following the algorithm realized by the NIDAQmx). Using the "ReadDigChan-ChangeDetectionEvent" I'm not able to see any variation in the MMI. Please note that:
Any idea about possible errors in my operations? Is it possible that the change detection cannot be used in "simulation" mode?
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance, Massimo.
04-22-2013 03:18 AM
Hi Massimo,
the first thing I've found is a document that explains why sometimes the change detection doesn't work as expected:
I don't think you problem is due to the use of simulated device, so maybe knowing the considerations of the previous document, everything will work right.
Hope it helps,