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Problems with run-time-engine

Dear sirs,

i have the following problem. For some measurement application i need to communicate with a third-party software called CITECT. CITECT is providing a Library to connect to the CITECT system and to read and write tags.

But now for the problem. Inside the CVI-IDE everything is doing fine. But after building a stand-alone executable the exe-file will not start. It shuts down with the message: "Windows unable to load cvirte.dll". For me it seems like some kind of collision between the CVI run-time-engine and the Library provided by CITECT. The above was using the CVI Version 5.0 with the corresponding run-time engine.

After upgarding to CVI 6.0 i encounter another problem. I can´t even execute the code inside the IDE. Trying to
build the debuggable exe-file results in the following error. "Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "_UP__assert" wurde in der DLL "cvirte.dll" nicht gefunden." Seems to be some internal windows-stuff because it is in german (i am from germany using a german version of win2000). Translation: "The jump-in-point "_UP__assert" was not found in the DLL "cvirte.dll"".

Any ideas or help (in what form ever, links, examples...) is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

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Sorry if i took your time.

I have solved the problems: The _UP__assert error occured because the new project (CVI 6.0) was linked to the old cvirte.dll.
Also the problems with the CITECT library does not occure when using the new CVI 6.0 run time engine.


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