Hi there,
I've got a little problem with the SQL Toolkit. I try to use the MySQL Database System. I tried to convert my existing project to use MySQL instead of MS Access. It quite works fine but now I've got a problem in a certain context.
Here's the source code:
Fmt (str_statement, "%s<SELECT * FROM Daten");
hstmt = DBActivateSQL (hdbc, str_statement);
if (hstmt <= 0) goto Error;
if ((int_result = DBFetchNext (hstmt)) == DB_SUCCESS)
retval = TRUE;
int_result = DBDeactivateSQL(hstmt);
When executing the last line of the above my program crashes with this error message:
FATAL_RUNTIME_EROR - ... 'General Protection Fault' at 001B:4CB023BC
Did I do something wrong or is any of the used drivers buggy ?
My Software components:
- LW/CVI 8.5
- SQL Toolkit 2.06
- MySQL 5.0, ODBC Connector 3.51
Please Help !