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Save data in table

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(First off all, sorry for my english)




I'm a french student and i realise an internship. I work with Rohde&Schwarz analyzer.

I would like to save the data in a oppened excel but i can't. So i decided to save the data in a table in Labwindows CVI and then copy the table to Excel. I can copy the table but I can't save data in it.

I tried the function: SetTableCellRangeVals but I have a problem with my data ("double" expected "pointer to pointer to char").

I have 630 points to save. When i tried to save it in excel, there were in a same cell so at the end I had only the last point.


If anyone could help me,




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Accepted by topic author MatGIL

The error in SetTableCellRangeVals means that you have set the table to hold strings and you are trying to write doubles instead. Change table data type to numeric >> double and try writing to it again.

Regarding the problem in Excel, you must describe better what you are finding and possibly post some code so that we can help you, but apparently you have forgotten to increment an index to the cell to write to.

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Thank you, the problem was just it, string instead of numeric, i didn't think about it alone.


Sorry for this "stupid" question, and thank you for your answer ! 



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You're welcome! Smiley Happy

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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