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Simple TCP Connection Problems

I am trying to connect two computers via TCP. I am using CVI 7.1.1.
I have them connected via a known good crossover cable.
On the computer that I am running the server I have the IP address manually configured as
I then initiate the sample TCP server application and choose a port number as 4000.
The server initiates properly and in the panel indicates the proper IP address of
I then try to initiate the client application on the other computer. I type in the address
as and the port number of 4000, but when attempting to connect to the server
a popup message indicates that the 'Connection to server failed.'
Is there anything in the process that I am missing which would cause this failure.
I have gone through all the feedback on this website and cannot find any
information which would indicate that I am doing anything wrong.
Any help is appreciated.
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Message 1 of 6
The first programs I wrote which used TCP suffered from a similar problem. The solution was suggested to me by a colleague with more network knowledge: do not manually assign IP addresses. Let the operating system (we used XP) do this for you automatically. Instead, use the remote computer name (that is known on the common network workgroup) in place of the IP address in the call to ConnectToTCPServer().
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Message 2 of 6

You might also need to ensure that the firewalls on the computers are turned off. IIRC, ports numbered 49152 and above are commonly reserved for private use.


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Message 3 of 6


Make sure the client and server are running on the same subnet.  I.e. if you have a subnet mask of and a server with the IP address then your client must have an IP address of 10.1.1.n.

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Message 4 of 6
Also, try using ping to make sure the client can actually see the server and vice versa.

Bilal Durrani
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Message 5 of 6

For anyone that might be going through these messages. I found the solution to my problem was to make the static IP addresses in the range 192.168.x.y. I was trying to connect two computers running Windows XP Home edition. I think the problem lies in the fact that the Home edition does not recognize all of the reserved private IP addresses that are recognized by Windows XP Pro. Anyways, once I changed the static IP addresses everything worked as expected.



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