02-01-2008 05:28 PM
02-04-2008 01:27 PM
I have a few questions as well as a couple of suggestions to try. First are the USB ports on the laptops USB 2.0? Are the Laptops all the same brand/ model of laptop? When you say slowed down how are you monitoring the execution speed? And finally you mention that the “rest of the program” what is this other part doing? As far as troubleshooting steps go I would begin with an example program which can be found by Selecting Find Examples from the LabWindows/CVI splash screen>>Selecting Browse>> Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>> and the appropriate category. Try one of these examples that perform the function that you are attempting to do and see if the performance is different on a laptop vs. desktop. Another step to try is minimizing the number of other USB devices which may be connected as the USB bus is a shared bus. I hope this helps!