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Struct Use

Dear alls,
I'm a new user in Labwindowsand I've problem with the Structs,
I would like to make (and use) a struct
typedef struct
 char mau[30];
 double valor;
 } estructura;  

estructura *estruc[10];
But I don't know what happens, It isnot working properly.
I would like to define a struct with
double valor and char mau[30].
But after to this, I need 10 times of this struct (I don't know if Is it clear?).
For example, Is it possible to use:
Do I need the malloc
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With some little adjustment your code should work properly.
When defining the struct:
typedef struct {
 char mau[30];
 double valor;
} estructura;  
estructura *estruc;
When allocating memory for the struct:
estruc = calloc (10, sizeof (estructura));
I do prefere calloc to malloc since calloc inizializes all fields to zero.
When using struct elements:
strcpy (estruc[0].mau, "Test");
estruc[0].valor = 123.12;
Hope this helps

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