i use the timer functions very often and normally everything works fine. In
an actual programm i setup a timer to an intervall of 5 Seconds. It works
fine on all pentium pc's but it runs much to fast on a PC with an AMD-Athlon
64 X2 Prozessor. I tryed other cvi-programms with timer functions and i
found the same problem. Is this a known bug with this amd processor?
"Norbert Rieper" <nrieper@isitec.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:43ec86b4$1@PYROS.natinst.com...
> Hello,
> i use the timer functions very often and normally everything works fine. In
> an actual programm i setup a timer to an intervall of 5 Seconds. It works
> fine on all pentium pc's but it runs much to fast on a PC with an AMD-Athlon
> 64 X2 Prozessor. I tryed other cvi-programms with timer functions and i
> found the same problem. Is this a known bug with this amd processor?
> Norbert Rieper
> PS: I use CVI 8.0 and windows XP SP 2.
i modified the boot.ini by adding /usepmtimer as discribed and that solve
the problem. Timer intervall is working fine now.
"bilalD" <x@no.email> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>I know underneath we use the QueryPerformanceCounter() for timer functions.
>I'm just guessing, but perhaps <a
>target="_blank">this </a>Microsoft KB might solve the problem. Message
>Edited by bilalD on 02-10-2006 05:05 PM