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UDP on realtime target

Hello i'm trying to use UDP to communicate client and host machines. I'm try to execute very simple example


 result =CreateUDPChannelConfig(60100, UDP_ANY_ADDRESS, 0, UDPCallback, NULL, &readerChannel);




int CVICALLBACK UDPCallback (unsigned channel, int eventType, int errCode, void *callbackData)

int linesCount = 0;
int error = 0,
unsigned char *msg = NULL;
if (eventType == UDP_DATAREADY)
char srcAddr[16];
unsigned int srcPort;
char msgSourceString[16 + 10];

// Pass NULL as the input buffer to determine the size of the arrived data.
size = UDPRead(channel, NULL, 0, UDP_DO_NOT_WAIT, NULL, NULL);

msg = malloc(size);

// Read the waiting message into the allocated buffer.
size = UDPRead(channel, msg, size, UDP_DO_NOT_WAIT, &srcPort, srcAddr);


return 0;



in any case i have no UDPCallback calings. In other way if i sending packets from realtime target to host machine everything is okay. How can i resolve this problem?

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Hey qmor,


How are you registering the callback in the thread? This KnowledgeBase article talks about the UDP callback process for CVI Realtime:


As it says, when the system processes events, if data is available on a port for which a callback has been registered, the callback is called. Would it be possible to see that section of your code?


Also, you mentioned an example--are you basing your code on a specific example in CVI Realtime?



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