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USB 6501 card(s) becomes unresponsive

 Hi Nati,

 I'd like to take this back to the basics. I think we're missing something here.

 1. Can you reliably control the Digital I/O with MAX?
  This troubleshooting step is critical. If we cannot use the USB-6501 with MAX control then any programming language will have a problem using the USB-6501.

 2. Remove DAQmx Base from the computer.

 The operating system is Win XP, the driver of choice is DAQmx.

 3. If the USB-6501 errors after removing DAQmx Base from the computer then the firmware is set to DAQmx Base, not DAQmx.

 4. If the USB-6501 is working reliably through MAX then try our example programs.

 Please let me know the outcome to step 1, this is the critical item.

Best regards,

Applications Engineer
National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21
 Hi MatthewW,

 I'd like to take this back to the basics. I think we're missing something here.

 1. Can you reliably control the Digital I/O with MAX?
Yes, I can see and control the device from Measurement & Automation >> NI Daqmax devices

 2. Remove DAQmx Base from the computer.
Done, I removed DAQmx Base from the computer


 3. If the USB-6501 errors after removing DAQmx Base from the computer then the firmware is set to DAQmx Base, not DAQmx.
No Error after remove

 4. If the USB-6501 is working reliably through MAX then try our example programs.

Can you give a a link to one of the example programs?

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 21

 Hi Nati,

 The example programs I was thinking can be found here:
  Run LabVIEW
  Click Help
  Click NI Example Finder
  Hardware Input/Output->DAQmx->Digital Generation-> Write Dig Chan or Write Dig Port.
 Give those a try, please let me know the outcome.

Best regards,

 Applications Engineer
 National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 21

Hi MatthewW ,

So far so good no problems sinse i removed from the pc max base

Best regards, 


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 21

 Hi all --

 Just to clarify a earlier point, I mis-stated that Windows XP should use DAQmx Base. That is not correct!

 When using Windows XP or Linux then use DAQmx.

 If using Mac OS X then use DAQmx Base.

 I hope this hasn't caused any confusion. 

  Best regards,

Applications Engineer
National Instruments



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Message 15 of 21

Hello Nati.

Try to connect all devices from your system to a power supply which filters the peaks in the electric network (UPS with filters). I have suspicion that this is the cause. (Try to switch on some heavy motor in the vicinity, e.g. vacuum cleaner or lathe ( my case 🙂 )


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Message 16 of 21
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Message 17 of 21
I had a similar problem with 2 USB 9472 devices hooked into a 4 port powered USB hub from linksys.  I finally narrowed it down to the usb cable between the hub and the computer.  For some reason when I switched to a brand new usb cable everything worked fine.

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Message 18 of 21

I will try that


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Message 19 of 21



I get the same problem with 6501s.


Now with two different Windows 7 systems. I also can get the 6501 to hang on my laptop in MAX by simply clicking selftest a number of times on the test panel.


An earlier version of MAX lead to a Blue Screen Of Death when the DAQmx reset function hung via the 6501.


I've tried powered and unpowered hubs, diferent cables and even USB over CAT5 as the distance from the PC is 1.5 Meters.


I've found no real answers.


Mike Boyd

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Message 20 of 21