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Unable to close device handle to NI USB 8452 using Python

Hi All,


I have a NI USB 8542 box and I am writing Python wrapper functions (using ctypes) to make calls to the NI USB 8452 I2C C API. I am making Python calls to the Ni845x.dll. I am on a Windows 10 laptop (64-bit) and I am using 64-bit Python 3.5.1. For the drivers I have Ni-845x drivers version 19.0


I am able to successfully find the NI USB 8452 by making a call to the "ni845xFindDevice()" function from my Python script. I am also able to successfully open the NI USB 8452 for access by making a call to "ni845xOpen()" function from my Python script. I save the device handle returned from the "ni845xOpen()" function call. I then pass this same device handle to the "ni845xClose()" C function via my Pyhton script. But the return value for the "ni845xClose()" function is "-301706" after passing this code through the "ni845xStatusToString()" function this is what I get: 

b'NI-845x: The device reference is invalid. Verify that the supplied device reference contains a valid device name.\n'


Can anyone please tell me why I am unable to pass a handle to the Close function that was generated by the Open function? 


Attached is the screenshot of the command terminal from where I am running my Python script. I have also attached my Python script


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Message 1 of 6

I was able to resolve this issue. I am posting the solution here so that it might help someone attempting the same in the future. The NI-USB845x Hardware Software Manual only specifies the different handles as data type NiHandle, but there is no mention in the manual as to whether this is an unsigned/signed integer or unsigned/signed long or unsigned/signed long long etc. The answer to this can be found in the header file for the Ni845x.dll. The header file can be found at either of the following two locations after you have installed the NI USB-845x drivers:


C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-845x\MS Visual C


C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ExternalCompilerSupport\C\include


The data type for NiHandle is unsigned long long (for a 64-bit computer) and the corresponding data type in ctypes library in Python is c_ulonglong.

In the attached script, once I changed the self.device_handle to type c_ulonglong and passed it to the  "ni845xClose()" function, I was able to successfully close the device using the device handle

Message 2 of 6

Dear sdesaiBF,

i took your code as a starting point to write a python (3.7) wrapper for the basic SPI Write/Read funktion. Since i don't know where else to share it i am just posting it here.

I tested it with the NI8452 with an ADC (adc128s102evm) specifically and in my case it worked out the way i wanted.

As you already mentioned the NI USB-845x driver is still requiered.

For this script to run you have to config your SPI settings and change the variables: WriteAdress, BytesToWrite, BytesToRead

The return Values are: ReadSize, ReadData

(could not upload the file because error)


stupid long post with code...hope it helps

#!/usr/bin/env python -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ctypes as c
import time
import numpy as np
DEV_SIZE = 256
MAX_SIZE = 1024
SPI lib used 
class NI8452Interface():
    This class makes Python calls to the C DLL of NI USB 8452 (ni845x.dll)
    def __init__(self):
        self.first_device = None
        self.find_device_handle = None
        self.number_found = None
        self.status_code = c.c_long()
        self.device_handle = c.c_ulonglong()
        self.configuration_handle = c.c_uint32()
        self.dll_location = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\Ni845x.dll"
            self.spi = c.cdll.LoadLibrary(self.dll_location)
        except Exception as e:

    def ni845xFindDevice(self):
        Calls NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xFindDevice whose prototype is:
        int32 ni845xFindDevice (char * pFirstDevice, NiHandle * pFindDeviceHandle, uInt32 * pNumberFound);
        :return: name of first device
        self.first_device = c.create_string_buffer(DEV_SIZE)
        self.find_device_handle = (c.c_ulong * 5)()
        c.cast(self.find_device_handle, c.POINTER(c.c_ulong))
        number_found = (c.c_ulong * 5)()
        c.cast(number_found, c.POINTER(c.c_ulong))

        self.status_code = self.spi.ni845xFindDevice(self.first_device, self.find_device_handle, number_found)
        print("returnValue ni845xFindDevice", self.status_code)
        #print("First Device Name:\n", repr(self.first_device.raw))
        print("First DeviceName:\n", str(self.first_device.value))
        #print("Number Found: ", number_found[0])
        self.number_found = number_found[0]
        return self.first_device

    def ni845xCloseFindDeviceHandle(self):
        Calls NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xCloseFindDeviceHandle whose prototype is:
        int32 ni845xCloseFindDeviceHandle (NiHandle FindDeviceHandle);
        :return: None

        self.status_code = self.spi.ni845xCloseFindDeviceHandle(self.find_device_handle)
        #print("returnValue", self.status_code)
        #print("Running StatusToString")
        returnValue = self.ni845xStatusToString(self.status_code)
        print("Return value of ni845xCloseFindDeviceHandle:", returnValue)

    def ni845xStatusToString(self, status_code):
        Calls NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xStatusToString whose prototype is:
        void ni845xStatusToString (int32 StatusCode, uInt32 MaxSize, int8 * pStatusString);
        if not status_code == 0:
            status_string = c.create_string_buffer(b'', MAX_SIZE)
            returnValue = self.spi.ni845xStatusToString(status_code, MAX_SIZE, status_string)
            #print("Status String:\n", repr(status_string.raw))
            print("state2string:", status_string.value)

    def ni845xOpen(self, resource_name):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xOpen whose prototype is:
        int32 ni845xOpen (char * pResourceName, NiHandle * pDeviceHandle);
        :param resource_name: name of the resource
        :return: device handle
        #c.cast(self.device_handle, c.POINTER(c.c_ulong))

        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xOpen(resource_name, c.byref(self.device_handle))
        print("self.device_handle", self.device_handle)
        print("Return values of ni845xOpen: ", returnValue)
        #return self.device_handle

    def ni845xClose(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xClose whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xClose (NiHandle pDeviceHandle);
        :param: pDeviceHandle: Device handle to be closed.
        :return: None
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xClose(self.device_handle)
        print("Return values of ni845xClose: ", returnValue)
    def ni845xSetIoVoltageLevel(self, VoltageLevel):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSetIoVoltageLevel whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSetIoVoltageLevel (NiHandle DeviceHandle,uInt8 VoltageLevel);
        :param: NiHandle DeviceHandle: Device handle returned from ni845xOpen.
                uInt8 VoltageLevel: The desired voltage level. VoltageLevel uses the following values:
                                    • kNi845x33Volts (33): The output I/O high level is 3.3 V.
                                    • kNi845x25Volts (25): The output I/O high level is 2.5 V.
                                    • kNi845x18Volts (18): The output I/O high level is 1.8 V.
                                    • kNi845x15Volts (15): The output I/O high level is 1.5 V.
                                    • kNi845x12Volts (12): The output I/O high level is 1.2 V.
                                    The default value of this property is 3.3 V.
        :return: None
        cVoltageLevel = c.c_uint8(VoltageLevel) 
        print("Setting Voltage Level to: ", cVoltageLevel)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSetIoVoltageLevel(self.device_handle, cVoltageLevel)
        print("Return value of ni845xSetIoVoltageLevel: ",returnValue)
    def ni845xSetTimeout(self, Timeout):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSetTimeout whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSetTimeout (NiHandle DeviceHandle, uInt32 Timeout);
        :param: NiHandle DeviceHandle: Device handle returned from ni845xOpen.
                uInt32 Timeout: The timeout value in milliseconds. The minimum timeout is 1000 ms (1 second).
                                • The default of this property is 30000 (30 seconds).
        :return: None
        cTimeout = c.c_uint32(Timeout)
        print("Setting timeout to: ", cTimeout)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSetTimeout(self.device_handle, cTimeout)
        print("Return value of ni845xSetTimeout: ", returnValue)
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationClose(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationClose whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationClose (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
        :return: None
        print("Closing a configuration handle.")
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationClose(self.configuration_handle)
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen (NiHandle * pConfigurationHandle);
        :param: None
        :return: configuration handle
        print("Opening a configuration handle.")
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen(c.byref(self.configuration_handle))
        print("self.configuration_handle", self.configuration_handle)

    def ni845xSpiConfigurationGetChipSelect(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function  whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationGetChipSelect (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,uInt32 * pChipSelect);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
        :return: None
        cChipSelect = c.c_uint32()
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetChipSelect(self.configuration_handle, c.byref(cChipSelect))
        print("chip_select: ", cChipSelect)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationGetChipSelect: ", returnValue)
        return cChipSelect
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPhase(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPhase whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPhase (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,int32 * pClockPhase);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
        :return: int32 * pClockPhase: A pointer to an integer to store the clock phase in. pClockPhase uses the followingvalues:
                                    • kNi845xSpiClockPhaseFirstEdge (0): Data is centered on the first edge of theclock period.
                                    • kNi845xSpiClockPhaseSecondEdge (1): Data is centered on the second edge ofthe clock period.
        cClockPhase = c.c_uint32()
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPhase(self.configuration_handle, c.byref(cClockPhase))
        print("cClockPhase: ", cClockPhase)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPhase: ", returnValue)
        return cClockPhase
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPolarity(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPolarity whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPolarity (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,int32 * pClockPolarity);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
        :return: int32 * pClockPolarity: A pointer to an integer to store the clock polarity in. pClockPolarity uses thefollowing values:
                                        • kNi845xSpiClockPolarityIdleLow (0): Clock is low in the idle state.
                                        • kNi845xSpiClockPolarityIdleHigh (1): Clock is high in the idle state.
        cClockPolarity = c.c_uint32()
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPolarity(self.configuration_handle, c.byref(cClockPolarity))
        print("cClockPolarity: ", cClockPolarity)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPolarity: ", returnValue)
        return cClockPolarity
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockRate(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockRate whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockRate (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,uInt16 * pClockRate);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
        :return: uInt16 * pClockRate: A pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer to store the clock rate in.
        cClockRate = c.c_uint16()
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockRate(self.configuration_handle, c.byref(cClockRate))
        print("cClockRate: ", cClockRate)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockRate: ", returnValue)
        return cClockRate
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationGetNumBitsPerSample(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationGetNumBitsPerSample whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationGetNumBitsPerSample (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,uInt16 * pNumBitsPerSample);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
        :return: uInt16 * pNumBitsPerSample: A pointer to an unsigned 16-bit integer to store the number of bits per sample in.
        cNumBitsPerSample = c.c_uint16()
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetNumBitsPerSample(self.configuration_handle, c.byref(cNumBitsPerSample))
        print("cNumBitsPerSample: ", cNumBitsPerSample)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationGetNumBitsPerSample: ", returnValue)
        return cNumBitsPerSample
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationGetPort(self):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationGetPort whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationGetPort (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,uInt8 * pPort);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
        :return: uInt8 * pPort: A pointer to an unsigned byte to store the port value in.
        cPort = c.c_uint8()
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetPort(self.configuration_handle, c.byref(cPort))
        print("cPort: ", cPort)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationGetPort: ", returnValue)
        return cPort
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationSetChipSelect(self, ChipSelect):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationSetChipSelect whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationSetChipSelect (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,uInt32 ChipSelect);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
                uInt32 ChipSelect: Selects the chip select line for this configuration.
                The default value for the chip select is 0.
        :return: None
        cCipselect = c.c_uint32(ChipSelect)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationSetChipSelect(self.configuration_handle, cCipselect)
        print("cCipselect set to: ", cCipselect)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationSetChipSelect: ", returnValue)
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPhase(self, ClockPhase):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPhase whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPhase (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,int32 ClockPhase);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
                int32 ClockPhase:Sets the positioning of the data bits relative to the clock edges for the SPI Port.
                    ClockPhase uses the following values:
                        • kNi845xSpiClockPhaseFirstEdge (0): Data is centered on the first edge of the clock period.
                        • kNi845xSpiClockPhaseSecondEdge (1): Data is centered on the second edge of the clock period.
                    The default value for this property is kNi845xSpiClockPhaseFirstEdge.
        :return: None
        cClockPhase = c.c_uint32(ClockPhase)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPhase(self.configuration_handle, cClockPhase)
        print("cClockPhase set to: ", cClockPhase)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPhase: ", returnValue)
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPolarity(self, ClockPolarity):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPolarity whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPolarity (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,int32 ClockPolarity);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
                int32 ClockPolarity: Sets the clock line idle state for the SPI Port. 
                    ClockPolarity uses the following values:
                        • kNi845xSpiClockPolarityIdleLow (0): Clock is low in the idle state.
                        • kNi845xSpiClockPolarityIdleHigh (1): Clock is high in the idle state.
                The default value for this property is kNi845xSpiClockPolarityIdleLow.
        :return: None
        cClockPolarity = c.c_uint32(ClockPolarity)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPolarity(self.configuration_handle, cClockPolarity)
        print("cClockPolarity set to: ", cClockPolarity)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockPolarity: ", returnValue)
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockRate(self, ClockRate):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockRate whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockRate (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,uInt16 ClockRate);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
                uInt16 ClockRate: Specifies the SPI clock rate. Refer to Chapter 3, NI USB-845x Hardware Overview, to 
                    determine which clock rates your NI 845x device supports. If your hardware does not
                    support the supplied clock rate, a warning is generated, and the next smallest supported
                    clock rate is used.
                    If the supplied clock rate is smaller than the smallest supported clock rate, an error is
                    generated. The configuration does not validate the clock rate until it is committed to hardware.
                The default value for the clock rate is 1000 kHz (1 MHz).
        :return: None
        cClockRate = c.c_uint16(ClockRate)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockRate(self.configuration_handle, cClockRate)
        print("cClockPolarity set to: ", cClockRate)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationSetClockRate: ", returnValue)
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationSetNumBitsPerSample(self, NumBitsPerSample):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationSetNumBitsPerSample whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationSetNumBitsPerSample (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,uInt16 NumBitsPerSample);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
                uInt16 NumBitsPerSample: Specifies the number of bits per sample to be used for SPI transmissions.
                                        The default value for the number of bits per sample is 8.
                                        Refer to Appendix A, NI USB-845x Hardware Specifications, for valid settings for this property.
        :return: None
        cNumBitsPerSample = c.c_uint16(NumBitsPerSample)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationSetNumBitsPerSample(self.configuration_handle, cNumBitsPerSample)
        print("cNumBitsPerSample set to: ", cNumBitsPerSample)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationSetNumBitsPerSample: ", returnValue)
    def ni845xSpiConfigurationSetPort(self, Port):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationSetPort whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiConfigurationSetPort (NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,uInt8 Port);
        :param: NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
                uInt8 Port: Specifies the SPI port that this configuration communicates across.
                            Refer to Chapter 3, NI USB-845x Hardware Overview, to determine the number of SPI
                            ports your NI 845x device supports.
                            The default value for the port number is 0.
        :return: None
        cPort = c.c_uint8(Port)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiConfigurationSetPort(self.configuration_handle, cPort)
        print("cNumBitsPerSample set to: ", cPort)
        print("Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationSetPort: ", returnValue)
    def ni845xSpiWriteRead(self, WriteData, WriteSize, ReadSize):
        Calls the NI USB-8452 C API function ni845xSpiConfigurationSetPort whose prototype is
        int32 ni845xSpiWriteRead (NiHandle DeviceHandle,
                                  NiHandle ConfigurationHandle,
                                  uInt32 WriteSize,
                                  uInt8 * pWriteData,
                                  uInt32 * pReadSize,
                                  uInt8 * pReadData);
        :param: NiHandle DeviceHandle: Device handle returned from ni845xOpen.
                NiHandle ConfigurationHandle: The configuration handle returned from ni845xSpiConfigurationOpen.
                uInt32 WriteSize: The number of bytes to write. This must be nonzero.
                uInt8 * pWriteData: The data bytes to be written.
        :return: None
        ReadData = list()
        cWriteSize = c.c_uint32(WriteSize)
        cWriteData = (c.c_uint8 * WriteSize)(*WriteData)
        cReadSize = c.c_uint32(ReadSize)
        cReadData = (c.c_uint8 * ReadSize)(*ReadData)
        returnValue = self.spi.ni845xSpiWriteRead(self.device_handle, 
        ReadeSize = cReadSize
        ReadData = [cReadData[i] for i in range(ReadSize)]
        return ReadSize, ReadData

def main():
    Entry point to the script
    :return: None
    ni8452 = NI8452Interface()
    resource_name = ni8452.ni845xFindDevice()
    #print("ni845xSpiConfigurationGetChipSelect: ",ni8452.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetChipSelect())
    #print("ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPhase: ", ni8452.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPhase())
    #print("ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPolarity", ni8452.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockPolarity())
    #print("ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockRate: ",ni8452.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetClockRate())
    #print("ni845xSpiConfigurationGetNumBitsPerSample: ", ni8452.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetNumBitsPerSample())
    #print("ni845xSpiConfigurationGetPort: ", ni8452.ni845xSpiConfigurationGetPort())
    WriteAdress = [0x20, 0x00]
    BytesToWrite = 2
    BytesToRead = 2
    while True:
        ReadSize, ReadData = ni8452.ni845xSpiWriteRead(WriteAdress,BytesToWrite,BytesToRead)
        Data acquisition and calculation for adc128s102evm board: 
        ReadByte0 = ReadData[0]
        ReadByte0 = ReadByte0 << 8
        ReadByte1 = ReadData[1]
        steps = int(ReadByte0) | int(ReadByte1)
        VoltageValue = (0.0004028320315+((steps-1)*0.0008056640625)) 
        print("VoltageValue: ",VoltageValue)
if __name__ == '__main__':




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6


I am having trouble with the configuration portion of the code shown.  


cCipselect set to: c_ulong(0) Return values of ni845xSpiConfigurationSetChipSelect: -301710 state2string: b'NI-845x: Unable to decipher status code 0xfffb6572 (-301710). Error -1 - Directory not found.\n\n'


The configuration steps match what the .c example is doing and not sure exactly how to go about debugging this issue.  I get a 0 status for ni854xSpiConfigurationOpen() and shows a handle value.  Any insight would be appreciated.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

I found my issue, just like with the device_handle the configuration handle needs to be a ulonglong as well. 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi, I just tried your example.

I found the following error in execution 

when it's called ni845xFindDevice()


"self.status_code = self.spi.ni845xFindDevice(self.first_device, self.find_device_handle, number_found)
ValueError: Procedure called with not enough arguments (12 bytes missing) or wrong calling convention"


Any suggestion?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6