11-03-2020 01:19 AM
I got a c#DLL wich i like to call from within a cvi program. (only the dll, noch .h or .lib)
i tested two different ways to do so
1) via the "LoadLibrary" function (return value not NULL) and "GetProcAddress" (return value NULL) =(
2) via the "Tools"->"Create .NET Controller". this created a function Panel (.fp) and all of the functions i want to call BUT to do so i need a Parameter "Instance handle" and i have no idea where to get this from (because the constructor does not return one).
i tested 0 and 1 as well without success.
what am i missing?
cvi 2019
11-15-2020 11:55 AM
You can use recommendations described here
Also you can find some useful information here