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Hi there,


I was just wondering: I have one main file to compile saved in a folder that has other folder with functions and .h files needed for this main file. How to compile everything? I tried to compile it but it is asking me for other .h files located in other folders.


Thank you for your help. Still new in this.


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Message 1 of 3

Hi Agyna ,


While compiling there are 2 "types" of header files those you created and those the compiler needs for the build in functions.


If you are creating a H file you can add it to your project Edit > Add files to project > Header file


If your are using in CVI function the compiler will tell you if he needs some header files and he will give you the option to add them when you build your software.


You have another option - Include path , in tis option you can include a path of which the compiler search for the file you declare , Edit > Project > Include path


Hope it helps... 

Kobi Kalif
Software Engineer

Message 2 of 3

Thank you.

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Message 3 of 3