12-25-2011 05:32 AM
I have a computer that collect RTUs data through GPRS with Labwindows (simple TCP socket) and aving them. I want to use this data in a third party SCADA application by using third party OPC client. Actually I want to use datasocket to send data to datasocket OPC server (publisher is labwindows) and third party OPC client read it by connecting to datasocket OPC server.
1. The question is is it possible at all?
2. Which OPC server in Datasocket I should choose? ( DaqOPC, OPCDemo, OPCFieldPoint,...)
Sorry if they were basic questions.
12-29-2011 10:07 AM
While I dont know all of the caveats that may come with a few of the acronyms in there, in general, you absolutely can use datasockets via an OPC server. Probably the easiest to use are network shared variables (which are an OPC server). I did notice you had another thread going here. Did you have any luck with the examples and help files they forwarded you to there?
Kyle Mozdzyn
Applications Engineering
National Instruments