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control initially hidden option CVI 2015

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I'd like to insert a string control that will be hidden in the beginning of the program (only after few commands the text box apear).

I sew the hidden option in the control setting but when i'm choosing the checkBox i can't see this control on the UI.

can you explain me how to use this option?


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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author EliranMar3005

If you set the visibility of your control to initially hidden you can change it at run time using the function call


SetCtrlAttribute ( panel_handle, PANEL_MYSTRINGCONTROL, ATTR_VISIBLE, 1 );


here panel_handle is the handle returned from calling the function LoadPanel(), panel_handle = LoadPanel (...,...,...);

PANEL_MYSTRINGCONTROL is a place holder for the name of your string control.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Thank you very much!

Can you explain me what is the ATTR_VISIBLE please?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author EliranMar3005

...let me try Smiley Wink


The function SetCtrlAttribute has four arguments (as is detailed here).

The first two specify the panel and the control, the third which attribute you would like to set, e.g. if your control should be bold, dimmed, hidden,... So this third parameter actually tells the function what to do, in your case you want to change visibility, and the corresponding control attribute is called ATTR_VISIBLE. The fourth parameter then determines the value of this attribute, i.e., if the control is to be set visible (1) or not (0).

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Message 4 of 5

Thank you for the explanation!
I'm new with this program and I am learning it now.
You helped me a lot!


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Message 5 of 5