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error when replace old version UIR file



I generated a panel named(english_errors.uir) with CVI8.5 on my computer, and then replace a file (has the same name which is generated with CVI7.0 on customer's computer) with it, but I get a error, who can help me?

how can I solve the problem??




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You cannot simply use a panel that was developed in version 8.5 on a machine with an older version of CVI, since in the new versions several improvements were introduced in panels and controls that are not recognized by older systems. What you can try is to save the panel for the previous version in your 8.5 machine: open the UIR and select File >> Save As..., next in Save As field select "LabWindows/CVI 7.1 UIR". Even with this option, I cannot guarantee that the panel runs without errors, since some differences are present between 7.0 and 7.1. In this case you may try updating the Run-Time Engine on the target machine (RTE 7.1 is only 3MB wide: not as huge as version 8 one!).


The surest solution should be to generate the panel directly in a CVI 7.0 machine: did you happen to have left one in your office?

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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Great help!!

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But I don't have CVI7.0.  This old program was developed by an American company about 5 years ago,  we have to update it


in China according to customer's requirement recently, so I don't know how to resolve this problem expcept installing CVI7.0.


I think perhaps this is a kind of inconvinient for CVI. 

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