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errors creating import library BORLAND LabWindows CVI

Instead of lines of the form:


    #define ERR_SUCCESS = 0;

you really should use:


    #define ERR_SUCCESS 0


The '=' and the ';' are incorrect in your statements. Just remember that a #define effectively introduces a text substitution for the compiler during pre-processing.



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Line 363 of the include file recitates

DLL_API int __stdcall AVS_Init

where DDL_API is defined as

#define DLL_API extern "C" __declspec (dllexport)

As far as I can see the problem is in that extern "C" keyword which CVI cannot handle. As an example, look at some standard CVI include file like utility.h, where that keyword is not included.


Are you sure that DLL can be interfaced with C language?

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13



I am having a similiar problem now... Could you in fact attach the dll file?



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Message 13 of 13