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how to call a SQL Procedure(including CURSOR varibile)

I defined a SQL Procedure in ORACLE ,this procedure includes a cursor varible as output Param.when I call the procedure,it always occurs run-time error of Param ,any one  knows how to call a SQL procedure with SQL tookits? 
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Message 1 of 3
Hello Victor,
In particular, what kind of runtime error are you getting, including error number and text?  Does this error only occur when you are trying to read output of your stored procedure, or when you are passing in values into a stored procedure?  Also, which version of CVI and the SQL toolkit are you using?

Message Edited by Wendy L on 07-12-2005 09:51 PM

Wendy L
LabWindows/CVI Developer Newsletter
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Message 2 of 3

Hello Victor,

You also might want to check that you allocating enough memory where you are going to store the return value if it is a string or another dynamic data type.  Also, it's always a good idea to check and see if you have the most updated version of your Oracle ODBC driver.


Wendy L
LabWindows/CVI Developer Newsletter
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Message 3 of 3