02-23-2011 12:19 PM
Quick questions:
I have an application written in C and interacting with a visual basic interface called Pu (please see attachement).
In the attachement, the first picture just receive output from from the C application. For example with a command like this: PuSend(UPDATESTATUS,"Diagnostic",PurResStr) from the application, this will write Diagnostic in the status box of the first column of (in the first picture, see attachments).
on the other side, the C application will execute only the test case selected from the Pu interface (see second picture of the attachments).
Now, we are trying to replace in VB interface with with an interface made from labview or labwindows (knowing that I am still learning both labview and labwindows).
How can I easily make this?
- is it possible?
-How can I make my application interact with this interface (made from labview or labwindows)?
-which one would be easy to do (labview or labwindows)
-Can someone give me a starting point?...
This is going to be a big help for us.
Note also that we don't have VB codes anymore for this interface.
Thank you,
02-24-2011 03:54 PM
Since your program was written in C, the easiest would probably be to interface with it in Labwindows/CVI since it is a C development environment. There are template projects that come with it for creating user interfaces, as well as command line applications. There are also example projects that will show you what types of controls can be used, and how to manipulate them. I hope this helps!
02-25-2011 08:05 AM
It's not clear to me from your posted picture what you want to do, but everything you see if your file you can do in CVI.
CVI has tables, tabs, options buttons, radio buttons, menu bars, command buttons, pull-down boxes, etc.
LabView vs. LabWindows is up to you. There are many posts on this forum that weigh the pros and cons of each. In my view, if you are already a C programmer or if you have some legacy C code or are more comfortable in any text-based language, you would probably find LabWindows/CVI a good fit. If you are more visually oriented or want to avoid the arcane and sometimes obscure syntax of C, take a look at LabView.
To understand how a user interface interacts with code in CVI, start by reviewing a document distributed with CVI titled Getting Started with Labwindows/CVI. Depending on your version of CVI, the document may be listed on the CVI startup screen, or you can go to CVI help and search for Getting Started with Labwindows/CVI. Or you can get it on-line here: http://digital.ni.com/manuals.nsf/websearch/0974A6EF46493C91862577A0004FF6C2