Hi I am using Labwindows & the NI DAQPAD-6015. I am using the counter (ctr0) in order to enable a voltage. The counter is user configurable to pulse widths 1ms and greater.
During this pulse I want to be able to use DAQmxReadAnalogF64 to read two different voltages. Am I able to use the level of the counter to enable reading of the analog signal? Or do I have to use the posedge/negedge to trigger? I havent been able to use any of these supplementary functions ( DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming, DAQmxCfgDigEdgeStartTrig) succesfully but I think they are the ones I need. When I try to use ctr0 as the trigger source for DAQmxCfgDigEdgeRefTrigCan it complains that the requested value is not supported. Do I need to wire the counter output to one of the PFI pins? But when I try this pin as the trigger source it gives the same not supported error. (When I click on the trigger source parameter in the function panel it says 'a custom control callback raised an exception' & I am not able to select anything and I have to type in the parameter)-So I think something is going on here...
Also I am just outputing the result of the analogOutput to a numeric on the .uir not a graph. None of the examples show this kind of thing either? Can anyone help me out with this, I cant find any relevant examples for either of these problems.
thanks in advance